Endangered Animals Info.......

           We think talking about things like this is important. Do you? Well on this page we are talking about endangered animals. Do you know anyone who cuts down trees? If you do try to ask them what's the reason and why their cutting down trees. Because people that are cutting down trees owls, birds, bears all kinds of animals that live in forests are getting endangered or already endangered. Do you know anyone who hunts? We do. We thought that people hunting deer are killing deer to have fun. They're NOT. They're having fun but doing the right thing. If you don't understand think about it this way. There are so many deer out there that if we didn't kill deer in the hunting season there would be so many deer they would be taking over the world. In other words soon there would be more deer than humans.

            If you don't care if these animals are endangered or by the endangered line what if your favorite animal or animals were. Here is a question. If your favorite animal was endangered, would you care or is your favorite animal endangered already.We would care.(: Thanks very much for checking out our website! :):):)